Tennis Ball Machine

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Tennis Ball Machine

Hi Everyone
As the weather and light improve, why not put in some practice with the club ball machine?
It is available free of charge and can be booked on the court booking system.  Choose courts 4, 6, 7 or 9.
Please Do NOT use damp balls or use the machine on damp courts as the machine will not work.
If you are aware of any problems with the ball machine, please contact Dathan Burden – 07944 575970 or
When not in use, the Ball Machine should be stored on its feet with the white flaps on top and left charging
Lift and carry the ball machine using the handle on the side or, on level ground, use the wheels and hinged handle. Please do NOT bang it up and down steps.
To use the machine:

  • Set the machine at the base line with the ball opening (slit) facing the net and the white flaps on top
  • Open the white flaps and pour the balls in
  • The Remote switch should be set to “Off”
  • The Oscillator switch should be set to “Off”
  • Rotate the top dial to choose a ball speed
  • Rotate the second dial to choose how quickly one ball follows the next
  • Rotate the bottom small dial to choose how much spin (if any) you want
  • Turn the power switch on (top left) and wait for the wheels to start turning and the top table to start moving
  • Do NOT stand directly in front of the machine or look into the mechanism
  • Watch the first couple of balls being fired and increase/decrease the speed and press the black up/down arrows to change the elevation of the ball trajectory depending on whether you want to play at the baseline, net, practice lobs etc
  • Start playing and have fun!
  • Please try not to aim at the ball machine. The White Flaps are not rugged and will break if mis-treated
  • When you have finished, wait until all the balls have been used (do not leave balls in the machine), return it to the clubhouse, set it on its feet with the white flaps to the top and leave it charging for the next person
    Dathan Burden