Open Day 2023

Open Day 2023 - Saturday 15th July

Dear Members,

A reminder that it’s the club open day this Saturday 15th July and all tennis and squash courts will be closed between 11am and 5pm as they will be in use for the open day. Unfortunately Adult Club Afternoon will not take place.

Parking will also be restricted. The club car park will be reserved for visitors so if you are coming to the club as a volunteer or for any other reason please do not park in the club car park.

Thank you to all those who have come forward to support the club as volunteers on the day. We still need volunteers particularly for cake/biscuit donations and to serve teas and coffee between 2pm and 4pm. Sign up sheets will go up in the clubhouse or just email James at saying how you’d like to help.

Finally don’t forget to remind your family, friends and neighbours and wider networks and invite them along to join in the fun at the club. See flier below.
James, Richard, Caroline and Bill

Open Day 2023 Programme

Time Event
12.00pm Gates open
12.30pm - 13.30pm Under 10s tennis try out/practice session
12.30pm - 13.30pm Teenager tennis try out/practice session
12.00pm - 4.00pm  All ages squash and racquet ball try out/practice sessions
12.00pm - 4.00pm All ages Tennis hitting sessions on court
12.30pm onwards Fastest serve competition
12.30pm onwards BBQ
2.00pm - 4.00pm Tea, Coffee, Cakes
All afternoon

Bars, Pimms Tent and strawberries and cream

Club merchandise