Continuation of Racketball Sessions.....

Hi Everone

The past two weeks has seen over 20 of our members tryout Racketball for their first time ... and it was clear to the organisers that those people that gave it a go really enjoyed it.

As a result we now plan to trial an 'open to all' Racketball club session, to be held on each Saturday morning. This will allow anyone to attend and to improve their game by spending time on court with other relative novice Racketball players.

Courts will be set aside from 10.30am until 12 noon and you can just turn up to play.

Bill Lovesey
Squash Chairman



Try Some Racketball.....

To all members

Have you previously been disappointed when poor weather has prevented you from playing tennis? If so, then you could always potentially use one of the indoor courts to get your fix of exercise by giving Racketball a try!

It is played on a squash court, therefore not affected by whatever the weather throws at us all over the coming winter months. And it really is good fun. (It's also less strenuous than squash)

To give members the chance to experience playing the game, we are planning to initially hold two Racketball tryout sessions on:

Saturday 4th Nov from 10.30 till 12.30 and

Saturday 11th Nov from 10.30 till 12.30

We will supply the rackets and balls, plus an introduction to the rules, with a basic demonstration of play. After that you can play a game with either another 'beginner' or with one of the experience players who can provide some free coaching. And then you can play for as long as you wish.

To give us an idea of numbers, all it is necessary to do is to reply to this email or email me at:

Bill Lovesey

Squash Chairman