Club Open Day 2024

DLTSC Open Day

Club Open Day
Saturday 13th July

Update: 9th July


Dear Members,

A reminder that it’s the club open day this Saturday 13th July and all tennis and squash courts will be closed between 11am and 5pm as they will be in use for the open day. Unfortunately Adult Club Afternoon will not take place.

Parking will also be restricted. The club car park will be reserved for visitors so if you are coming to the club as a volunteer or for any other reason please do not park in the club car park.

Thank you to all those who have come forward to support the club as volunteers on the day. We still need volunteers particularly for cake/biscuit donations and for a number of other roles. If you’d like to help just email James at

Finally don’t forget to remind you family, friends and neighbours and wider networks and invite them along to join in the fun at the club. See flyer below for details.
James, Richard, Caroline and Bill


Dear Members,
The club’s annual open day will be held between 12 noon and 4pm on Saturday 13th July and we need your help.

The Open Day is an important method of bringing new members into the club so please spread the word amongst your friends, family and social networks using the flyer below. Our best recruiters are the happy friendly existing members!!!

A busy programme of activities is planned including junior tennis, tennis, squash and racketball try outs, cardio tennis The BBQ will be fired up and the bar will be open. There will be Pimms, strawberries and cream and tea and cakes later in the afternoon. Something for everybody.

The programme is given below. Youngsters who want to take part in the U10s or teenage play ins should get there early.

The new ‘all rackets’ membership and monthly payment option make membership better value than ever, and to top that a special deal will be available to new members on the day only.

Lots of preparation has gone into making the day a success but we need your help to get the message out there and to support the club on the day. We’ll need volunteers for roles such as meeting and greeting, serving tea and cakes, hitting partners etc. We’ll be posting sign up sheets in the clubhouse closer to the event but in the meantime if you could spare a couple of hours and would like to help out in any way please let James know at

James, Richard, Caroline and Bill












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